Humber bridge country park, Hessle, United kingdom.



History of the Humber bridge country park.

The Humber bridge country park first started out life as a chalk quarry first opening in 1317. mining on the site was originally a manual job which was fraught with danger and in many cases led to workers been killed by falling debris. Mechanism was introduced on the site in the 20th century which led to the impact on the terrain we can still see today. During the second world war the site was used for target practise for a short period. After the war mining on the site continued with the introduction of explosives which led to the chalk been quarried so extensively that the quarrying went below the water level which has led to two small ponds on the site. Eventually the site was closed down as a quarry in the late 1950's. After this time there where a couple of ideas for the site one including a refuse tip which planning for was refused. work to turn the area into a country park started in 1983 and was opened in 1986 to the public.

Paranormal claims.

From the time of the park opening many people have reported sightings of entities as well as been touched and hearing voices. so much so that this has led to many local paranormal groups doing investigations on the site. As well as that there is a paranormal investigation every Friday night which members of the public can pay to join in with.

Investigation introduction.

Both me and the co-founder of the East Yorkshire paranormal group where brought up near to the Humber bridge country park with myself living within walking distance. As children we where both taking to the park by members of our family in the summer for days out and picnics so we are both very familiar with its layout. As we got older we started to hear more and more stories of the paranormal attached to the park and the more we learnt the more we gained interest. Now with the equipment and more knowledge of the paranormal we have decided to revisit the park but in the search of either finding alternative explanations for these paranormal claims or adding to them ourselves.

Setting out the investigation.

As we already knew that this site is constantly open to the public with no closing time our first and main concern was from natural contamination from people but as well as this from the wildlife that lives in the park. Obviously we couldn't do anything about contamination from the nature in the park but we could actively try to limit any chance of contamination from people walking around the park. We started the investigation at 8:28pm and started by taking a walk of the entire park to pick out investigation points and to get a idea of how many people where walking around the park. As we where expecting on what was turning out to be a very windy and cold night from what we could see there was nobody in the park. With this in mind we decided to set out investigation points around the park as are shown on the map below.

For people that are familiar with Humber bridge park they will be able to get an idea of where we investigated from the map above. For people who are not familiar with the park investigation point one as marked on the map above is the lowest point in the park. At this point in the park there are two small ponds that are filled sometimes to the point of flooding the entire valley by rain fall the chalk base acting as a waterproof seal. Around the pond area are various seating areas and less dense forest we tried to cover this space the best as possible. Investigation point two as shown on the map is in the middle of the park in one of more dense areas of forest. For this area the only way we could investigate it was to walk the area slowly and choose points to do EVP sessions this was due to the scale of the area. Investigation point three as also shown on the map is a large area of grass set out as a picnic area. our plan for this area was to spend some time sat on one of the picnic benches doing more intensive EVP sessions.

The investigation.

We started the investigation as i have previously said in the open pond area of the park. We started by taking a walk of the are going into some of the bushed areas around the back of the ponds. From the word go we had a feeling that we where being watched but simply chalked this up to the fact it was dark and we was in a forest which wasn't nothing paranormal but more psychological. whilst walking around the investigation point we where constantly running the k2 meter and the EMF meter as well as a digital voice recorder.The base readings for this area where as expected between 0.0 to 0.1 which are flat rates which is what is usual found in areas without any electricity. After walking around the bushed areas we decided to sit on a bench near the opening to one of the areas to discuss what we thought would be the best course of action. We where both startled to hear a loud crash which again was nothing paranormal but simply a large branch falling in the strong wind. We continued to sit on this bench to give the night time to draw in a bit better for a while. As we both said shall we move on from this point it seems a little quiet we both clearly heard to our left hand side about eight feet away from us what seemed to be the rustling of clothing as if someone was rubbing up against a tree. Straight away we both decided to move towards the source of the sound expecting to see someone walking through the forest but found nobody and nothing that could explain the sound we heard. With this in mind we where both sure that we would have caught this on the recorder so tagged the audio so we would know where it was when we came to reviewing. After spending a good while investigating this area we decided to move onto investigation point two. On our way to the second investigation point me and my partner stopped to turn off running equipment so to keep the batteries for going flat. upon stopping we both clearly heard three footsteps which sounded as though they where walking right up to us so much we both turned expecting someone to be right behind us only to find nobody there. I honestly cant stress more how clear and distinct these footsteps where standing out as the path was loose gravel. After this strange occurrence we carried onto the second investigation point. As with the first investigation point we walked the area getting a feel for the natural sounds of the forest so we could differentiate if something out of the ordinary was to be heard. During walking the area we found a point which was good vantage point for the entire area giving us a complete visual and concentrated on this area. Whilst walking the area again we took base readings getting between 0.0 and 0.1 again and as before nothing picked up on the k2 when to our surprise we got a high hit on both devices. As soon as we decided to stand still at the vantage point my partner reported he was getting hits on the EMF meter of between 6.2 to 7.9 which straight away baffled us as there where no electric lines over head or nothing electrical nearby. These high EMF readings then hit so high it led to a spike on the k2 which takes a lot to go off. Gradually after that the readings seemed to go down as if whatever it was were moving away from us. Straight after picking up on these high readings the atmosphere in this area seemed to change quite severely and we both started to feel very uneasy. We started to get the sense that something was very close by watching us and we weren't welcome in this area. This peaked our interest as previous to this nothing really unexplainable had occurred but this was one thing neither of us could explain. We decided to walk the area one last time to see if we could find these EMF spikes in any other area but couldn't seem to find anything similar or to explain these readings. After investigating this area for a good amount of time and starting to feel uneasy in this area we decided to move on to our final investigation point. As we where walking to the final investigation to our surprise we came across two people walking along the same path as us which we found strange as by this time it was really getting late. With this in mind we decided to hang back and give these people time to put distance between us and them so that they would not contaminate any of our recordings. Once these two people where totally out of sight we decided to sit on a picnic bench at the rear of the grassy area. We sat here for a long while with our digital recorder on and our k2 and EMF meters on and asked a series of questions giving any entity the opportunity to reply. After some time we didn't feel we where getting much and just hope that the recorder may have picked up what we didn't we thanked any possible entities that may have been with us for there cooperation and apologised that if they where trying to contact us we where unable to hear them. With this we decided to call a end to the investigation we wished we could have carried on longer but as we where both needing to be up early for our occupations the next morning we couldn't give any more time to the investigation. Overall we felt we had investigated the park really well and felt that we had ample opportunity to revisit the area in the future if we found anything interesting whilst reviewing the material.


On starting to review the material other than the experiences we picked up on at the time we weren't expecting to come across much else. We started first by looking at photographs we had taken at points throughout the night. On reviewing these pictures there was nothing out of the ordinary. The main source of material we had to review was from the digital recorder we had running pretty much the whole time we where investigating. On reviewing this material neither me or my partner where expecting to really hear anything but where pleasantly surprised. 

First i would like to apologise for the advertisement which plays when first pressing play on the music player but due to our organisation been a none profit one we have to often settle for free web scripting such as this and often adverts are included.

Before listening to these tracks i will say they are probably best listened to through headphones although some will be clearly audible without. Track one straight away is the most amazing of all the tracks we caught that night as it is clearly a voice of some sort. Both me and my partner have our opinions of what it is saying we either believe it is saying "wheres that gone" or my partner also came up with a alternative interpretation of it saying "use that one". Its hard to know which it is but its clear that there is something there and neither me or my partner heard this at the time of the investigation. The strange thing is this was caught at the second investigation point in the same place we had the EMF hits. Track two was the recording of what we thought was rustling clothing around investigation point one. Strangely on review of this track it sounds more like a quick inhale than clothing not sure if this is due to the recording equipment. Regardless of this it was a sound we both heard at the time but could not find a source for. Track three was the sound of the footsteps we heard approaching us as we moved between investigation point one and two. As i said before at this time both me and my partner where both stood still at the time about to turn off our equipment to save battery power. When we heard this back whilst reviewing the track it really did give us the chills how clear it is and how close it sounds. As well as it been clear the type of footsteps stood out to me also as both me and my friend where wearing deck shoe like trainers with soft soles where as this sounds like heavy soled boots. Although you can hear the footsteps by listening carefully to get the full effect i recommend wearing headphones. Track four was recorded at our last investigation point in between asking questions. This track is better heard through headphones as the anomaly is very low. Again with this it sounds like voice but it would be a reach to say what it said with a hundred percent certainty but at a guess it sounds like it could be something along the lines of "hes talking" after the first part sounding like that it sounds like t continues to say something else but its to hard to make out.

I would like to say that these tracks where not altered in any way. The only editing of these tracks was to reduce the hissing of the background noise to define the anomalies.

I would like to say listen to these tracks before reading our conclusions and come up with your own. We would be really happy to hear back what you think of these tracks and if you think you hear something different to us or can come up with a none paranormal explanation for these sounds we would be happy to hear these opinions also.


Overall we had some interesting finding from our investigation of Humber bridge country park. I'm not sure whether i am comfortable to say to what extent it is haunted but with the stuff we experienced and caught on audio there is definitely something paranormal going on in the park. We will be doing a follow up investigation at the park with further equipment this time including video in the hope we capture more evidence. Overall i think me and my partner went in really quite sceptical of the claims at the park as although there have been a lot of claims we have always merely seen this place as a place for families to visit. Looking into the history of this place its not so hard to think there is a possibility of it been haunted with its long history. 

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